
What is #LatinXChem?
@LatinXChem is a virtual forum through which the community of Latin American chemists located anywhere in the world can share and discuss their research results and advances.
More than 1200 posters from 43 countries were received in its first version, with 20 million impacts on Twitter.
The fifth event organized by @LatinXChem will be the #LatinXChem24 Conference (October 14 and 15, 2024).
You can participate whether you work at home or in the laboratory.
Being a virtual event, you do not need to travel, the costs decrease substantially, without demerit to the quality of the work or to the scientific discussion they will generate. Additionally, its environmental footprint is lower.
For each category, the best works will be selected for an award. Our sponsors will deliver prizes (book vouchers) for 100-200 USD. The best poster overall for the event will be awarded a special prize.
Follow-up Steps
Posters can be presented in Spanish, Portuguese, or English.​​
Tweet your poster. Include the title, abstract, your category hashtag, and the main event hashtag (#LatinXChem24) at 12:00 pm (UTC) on October 14, 2024; The event will last 48 hours.​
Discuss and share your work on any social media. Make sure to respond to questions from the community and juries.
Choose any dimension or format for your poster: the important point is that the text and figures are legible. We strongly recommend visualizing it on Twitter before the conference.